Gbh - The Garry Bushell Hour

Soul of the Hooligan



Football hooligans! The words are enough to strike terror into the hearts of the upstanding middle classes and have entire towns boarded up and quaking with fear. Garry’s guest has more than a casual acquaintance with the subject. Dougie Brimson, a former hooligan himself turned bestselling writer, is an expert. Join us tonight as we explore this controversial topic in depth. With over half a million books sold worldwide, Dougie’s first title was Everywhere We Go - first published in 1996, it remains a cult classic. His first novel, The Crew, held the #1 slot on the soccer charts of both Amazon and iTunes for over two years and was the most downloaded football related title of 2012 and 2013! In 2003 Dougie made the move into screenwriting with It's a Casual Life, a 15-minute film looking at the world of football violence from a Casuals perspective. His first full length feature, the Hollywood funded Green Street starring Elijah Wood, was released in September 2005 and has won numerous awards. >>>>