Gbh - The Garry Bushell Hour

James Delingpole: Always Right, Never Wrong



He's spiky, no question.  "I'm just a rude f$!%er, I suppose", sighs Garry's guest James Delingpole.  "I've reached the point where I don't give a f$!% what I say any more, as long as I believe it to be true.  Some of my editors find this terrifying." Bête noire of the Met Office, tilter at wind farms, and tormentor of the University of East Anglia... James is both more complicated and more surprising than you would ever have expected. From  Glastonbury ("my rosebud") to Greenpeace ("no less cynical than Exxon") via Led Zeppelin, David Icke, Ecstasy and Viagra... this is the James Delingpole you never knew about - until Garry met Jimmy, that is. So what do you think? Have your views on JD changed?  Let us know in the comments section, here. Download the show as mp3 file Subscribe in iTunes Be a wonderful human being and support us with a donation