Diamond Factory

17 - 11 - 20 YL Diamond Sarah Harnisch - Game Plan & Fearless Author AUDIO



Monday Night Call Audio version of the Webinar: YL Diamond Sarah Harnisch - Game Plan & Fearless Author! Sometimes it may seem too complicated to get your business off the ground. You talk to people, they say "no" or "I'll think about it" and you feel defeated. You feel like you need SIMPLE tools with a SIMPLE plan right? YL Diamond Sarah Harnisch has created powerful duplication tools to help you keep your business SIMPLE as you hit momentum. Sarah, her husband John, and her 5 children lived 36 years in poverty. They lived on food cards and worried their power should be cut off anytime even though they BOTH had awesome white collar jobs. Young Living was LITERALLY an answer to her prayers, she wanted to stop struggling in her own life so she could bless others. She is now able to guide and pour into eager and hungry people how to succeed. Her decision to get to the Diamond Ranks A.S.A.P. wasn't directly about the money. Sarah and her husband wanted to get out of survival mode because no matter how