Diamond Factory

2017-11-28 Mollie Vacco YL Gold on Promotions to Pop Rank!



Monday Night Call: YL Gold Mollie Vacco on Promotions to Pop Rank! "Almost" to a new rank and not sure if you can make it? ​​​​​​​ Mollie Vacco messaged me October 26th that she wanted to run a promo by me that could push her to Gold. She had A LOT of volume to generate to pop rank, most would have said she couldn’t make it. She believed and she achieved. Mollie had no plans to build a Young Living business. Her account had gone inactive twice and she was asked to do a friend a favor and teach a class. Here she is today as a Young Living Gold helping people and their families! On this call: What you need to be thinking in order to POP into the next ranks. Types of promos you can run to get serious response from your team. Important business skills and knowledge that will help get YOU and your team in order. The trigger in Mollie which turned her into a fast growing business builder. Balancing home life and her growing YL business.