Diamond Factory

17-12-4 James Niederland Mindset For Success



Monday Night Call [Audio]: YL Diamond James Niederland On The MINDSET Of Success​​​​​​​ What is the key to a successful business? How hard you work or how you THINK? You may see people around you who are upranking prospecting magnets and you scratch your head because you're doing the same thing they are. Why does it seem like THEY win and YOU lose even though you may be out working them? Diamond James Niederland has been with Young Living A LONG TIME (1999 to be exact). James ALWAYS has a positive attitude no matter what is going on in his business. Being in business so long he has had fast and slow growing times in his business. He also has been through MANY growing pains as Young Living headed towards the billion dollar mark. Find out this Monday what keeps him going and achieving his goals. What you will learn on this webinar: 1. You're going to have feast & famine in your business, how not to QUIT during famine. 2. How to do a little and achieve a lot. (SAY WHAAAAT?) 3. What the core "How to" skil