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Novena to Mary Immaculate, Star of Hope –Day 1- Pope Benedict XVI's encyclical Spe Salvi - Totus2us



Day 1, Novena to Mary Immaculate, Star of Hope. Prayer by Blessed John Paul II. Quote from Benedict XVI's encyclical on hope, Spe Salvi: "We see how decisively the self-understanding of the early Christians was shaped by their having received the gift of a trustworthy hope, when we compare the Christian life with life prior to faith, or with the situation of the followers of other religions. Paul reminds the Ephesians that before their encounter with Christ they were “without hope and without God in the world” (Eph 2:12). Of course he knew they had had gods, he knew they had had a religion, but their gods had proved questionable, and no hope emerged from their contradictory myths. Notwithstanding their gods, they were “without God” and consequently found themselves in a dark world, facing a dark future. In nihil ab nihilo quam cito recidimus (How quickly we fall back from nothing to nothing): so says an epitaph of that period. In this phrase we see in no uncertain terms the point Paul was making. In the same