Novenas - Totus2us

Novena for Europe –Day 6- John Paul II's Ecclesia in Europa - Celebrating the Gospel of Hope - Totus2us



Day 6, Novena for Europe - Blessed John Paul II's apostolic exhortation, Ecclesia in Europa: "The Gospel of hope, as a proclamation of the truth which sets us free is meant to be celebrated. Before the Lamb of the Book of Revelation there begins a solemn liturgy of praise and adoration: “To him who sits upon the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honour and glory and might for ever and ever!” This vision, which reveals both God and the meaning of all history, takes place “on the Lord's day”, the day of the resurrection, as re-lived by the Sunday assembly... Church of God dwelling in Europe, you too are called to be a community which prays, celebrating your Lord in the Sacraments, in the liturgy and in your whole life. In prayer you will discover the Lord's life-giving presence. By making him the foundation of all your activity, you will thus be able to invite Europeans to an encounter with him, our true hope, the One who alone knows how to satisfy fully the yearning for God hidden in the different forms o