Diamond Factory

17-12-18 Paul Bauer On Kicking Limiting Emotions To The Curb For GOOD!



Tried everything and your emotions are still getting the best of you? It is known that emotional wellness determines one's health. You can eat organic foods, exercise, meditate, and spread all the "good vibes" around the world and if you are an emotional hot mess none of that awesomeness may matter. On Monday's call we will have Paul Bauer, Founder of Dreams Alive.com. For over 20 years Paul has helped people move beyond the limits of their mind to discover their innate gifts and strengths. Paul is an expert in helping people clear their subconscious blocks and emotions that hold them back from business success and personal happiness. During his wife’s health crisis, Paul discovered Essential Oils. After using the oils for several years, Paul discovered the hidden levels of the oils and their incredible powers to clear unresolved emotions and stagnant Chi energy. It's his passion to share these hidden levels of the oils with the world... Paul is the creator of Ener-Chi, a program custom designed for Young