New Thinking New Power With Dr. Paula

Episode 3: Beating the Burnout



Goal fatigue is a concept developed by sociologist Roy Baumeister, a professor at Florida State University.  He is the co-author of, the book Will Power. He says that goal fatigue is the tiredness and exhaustion that results due to the concentrated energy and effort used to accomplish a goal. Therefore, without proper time to replenish that energy, there is less available for the next task or goal.  When it comes to goal fatigue, the best thing you can do is acknowledge it, and address it BEFORE you get to the burnout stage. Here are some signs that will tell you if you are experiencing or on the verge of experiencing goal fatigue. The 1st sign you should watch for is whether or not you are uninterested, unexcited, and exhausted by activities and events you once loved.   Think about the goal or the goals you have set.  Does this goal still intrigue you like it intrigued you the day you set it?  The 2nd sign that you should watch for is that you are not giving your full attention to any one goal, and it is sh