Accent Adventure Podcast: Improve English Pronunciation | Learn American English | Learn British English

American Netflix Programs I Watched in 2014 and 2015



Here’s another video where I’m speaking with the General American Pronunciation, and this time around I’m talking about good American Netflix programs I’ve been watching lately. Well, to tell you the truth, I’m actually speaking a little bit too fast in this video and that’s the reason why I’m not getting all American English sounds right in all words. For the most part, however, my American English is just fine and I’m quite happy with my performance. But in case you’re wondering how I can say such a thing without consulting with other people and getting their opinion on it – well, here’s the thing – I watched the video I recorded over and over again and I’m intelligent enough to spot any imperfections and mistakes I’ve been making. The heck, ANYONE is intelligent enough to be a good judge of their own pronunciation provided that they know what sounds they have to FOCUS on: Dark and light ‘L’ sounds; The “Ash” sound; The ‘R’ sound; The ‘W’ sound; And a whole lot more! On top of that, it’s also impor