Diamond Factory

2018-1-29 RCD Jordan Schrandt Personal And Professional Growth



The old saying goes, "If you're not growing you're ... dying" right? Are you literally going to croak, probably not. Is your business going to croak if YOU are not personally & professionally growing? The odds will definitely be against you. What we know is every Young Living distributor who has earned a substantial commission check admits they had to PERSONALLY grow in order to get where they are. This is especially true when you hit the Diamond Ranks. Monday 1/29/2018 Royal Crown Diamond Jordan Schrandt will be on to talk about getting stuck and exactly how you need to grow so your business grows! What you'll learn: 1. The BEST and EASIEST ways to stay plugged in EVERY day so you keep your business at the forefront 2. What characteristics do you need to posses or attain in order to create wild duplication in your team 3. If you cannot sponsor a soul, how to identify if it is YOU or THE PROSPECT. (What to do if it's YOU!) 4. How to encourage your team to get to Rally's, Convention, team gatherings, and oth