Dr Amer Siddiq On Mental Health

Drug Addiction - methamphetamines (meth) / syabu



Synthetic drugs historically for medical use for Attention Deficit DisorderStimulant-class drugs & Highly addictiveDrug-induced psychosis - highly aggressive resulting in admission to hospitals. 30% only will be aggressive, and 30% of that will be SchizophreniaPsychosis - regular users.  Signs include: darkening windows, paranoid to receive phone calls, taping over phone and computer cameras. Start hearing voices.###We are on Raku!  Thank you for hosting our podcast. www.raku.myFind me on twitter @DrAmerSiddiqPsy or #medtweetmy @medtweetmyhq or on FaceBook at DrAmerSiddiqPsych.  Looking forward to reading your comments and tweets!MyMentalHealth on Youtube