Diamond Factory

2018 - 02 - 19 Shallie Hurd YL Silver



http://OurSimpleTraining.com Get nervous before you present? Don’t think that you can be successful if you’re an introvert? Going from “I can do this business because (insert your WHY) to “Omgeee I talked to my friends and family and they all said I was crazy, now I want o quit” can be a reality that causes many distributors to give up on their dreams that set them on the path to growing their Young Living Business. Military veteran, introvert, mom, wife and YL Silver soon to be Gold Shallie Hurd will be on the call this Monday. Reaching out to new people in new situations isn’t her favorite thing to do, find out how she builds her business “HER WAY” that has lead to steady growth into the leadership ranks. What you’ll learn: 1. Feel like you need to “know more” before you really take off with your business? Do this. 2. Handling the pre-presentation jitters and apprehensions 3. Identifying if you get into your own way and how to get OUT of it! 4. Marketing Young Living in a these few consistent ways leads t