Diamond Factory

2018 - 2-27 Dana Christisen YL Gold Leader



Monday Night Webinar [Audio Version]: YL Gold Dana Christisen There is only ONE WAY to do this business. YOUR WAY. You are unique in our YL business journey and must find what works for YOU. Don’t things because you think you should or because others have told you “this is how you must do it”. The only WRONG WAY is the way that doesn’t get results! Find your style and when you get stuck, find the cause and break through. This Monday we have Dana Christisen, Gold leader sharing her 12 year journey with Young Living. Her passion for natural health brought her to Young Living, not the business. But wait until you hear how the business started to unfold for her! What you’ll learn: The oils you MUST USE for magical things to happen in your Young Living Business Why being coachable will make or break your upranking goals The catch 22 with Young Living. Why some people succeed when they shouldn’t When you get stuck in any area of your life, how to find the reason why in an instant Vision boards & consciou