Diamond Factory

2018 - 3-19 Dory Doyle YL Gold Leader



Monday Night Webinar: Dory Doyle, YL Gold Staying The Course Through The Highs And Lows Of Your Business Your Young Living business will have ups and downs. When your volume soars and your team is rallying it’s a blast and you feel invincible. Then when your volume is stuck for months and maybe you’ve fallen back a rank, that downswing allows for thoughts of throwing in the towel. Dory Doyle - YL Gold leader soaring to Platinum – will be on this Monday’s Call. She has had some incredible insights during the journey of her YL biz and you will REALLY want to hear what she says! Just her tip on raising Essential Rewards blew me away, you’re not going to want to miss that one! What you’ll learn: When you hit one wall after, how to keep going when you want to throw in your chips Getting your Essential Rewards rate up 26% to over 40% with a very simple but POWERFUL strategy Creating a team culture you LOVE to do business with What to do when the magic wears off in your YL business and you don’t feel like doing