Ham Radio 360

Ham Radio 360: DStar and Digital Radio



Ham Radio: Digital Radio-DStar and more! Jeremy (KF7IJZ) and George (KJ6VU) hold down the fort while Cale is away.  This DStar-Digital Radio program is something we've been discussing for what seems like forever.  It took me handing over the reigns to finally make it happen! The guys spend some time breaking it all down for all to understand.  If you are interested or know someone who is interested in DStar, this is the show you need to hear! It's a longer show than we normally do, but stick around-there's a lot to learn! DStar The Four Call Signs; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSYJ3T3g10w DStar Info: http://www.dstarinfo.com/ DStar Registration Information: http://www.dstargateway.org/D-Star_Registration.html DStar Reflectors: http://www.dstarinfo.com/reflectors.aspx D-Rats Software: http://www.d-rats.com/ Raspberry PI DStar Node/HotSpot/DVAP Image Download Links: http://www.westerndstar.co.uk/html/downloads.html DVMega Boards; http://www.dvmega.auria.nl/ DVAP Information: http://www.dvapdongle.