Ham Radio 360

Ham Radio360: QSL’ing & Logging Contacts



Episode 35, Ham Radio QSL'ing and Logging.  George (KJ6VU) and Nick (N3WG) join me as we continue our series of "Making DX Work".   In this installment we discuss all things QSL'ing and Logging your contacts. Do you need QSL cards?  What Software should you use?  Is there an App for that?   We answer those questions and more in Episode 35! Electronic QSL'ing and Logging?  Yep, folks are there.  Here are some show links: Pignology Sierra Radio Systems N3FJP HRD Log4OM N1MM eQSL   Thanks for Listening!  Remember to Share with your friends and review where you listen/subscribe!   73, Cale/K4CDN