Ham Radio 360

Ham Radio 360: AK4PX-Dry Tortugas AAR



In this episode of the (formerly) Fo Time Podcast we chat with Dan Passaro who recently took a trip South to the Keys of Florida.  Dan spent a few days at Fort Jefferson activating Grid EL-84/IOTA NA-079, in the Dry Tortugas enjoying his very own Mini-DXpedition. Dan took along his Purpose-Built Ammo Can Carrier with it's IC-703, powered with Solar and Battery Reserves. Show Notes: National Park Service Site-Dry Tortugas Dan Passaro Photography Dan's DX-pedition site DX-Pedition-blogspot Items Mentioned in the Program: Instapark Mercury 27 Solar Panel Morningstar SG-4 Solar Charge Controller Buddipole Deluxe Long Package with extra components for 6m yagi or 1/4 wave vertical for 20m. KB1HQS in Print! Click for more info