New Thinking New Power With Dr. Paula

Episode 13: Letting Go of Control



Episode 13 is the last of the 4-part series on LETTING GO.  For this week’s episode, I discuss "Letting Go of Control" by offering you three strategies that you can implement to live a life that’s simpler, healthier, and happier...   Examine your own actions.  Do you have a tendency to micromanage? If so, What are some reasons behind your micromanagement? Do you not trust others to take responsibility of a specific task? What do you fear if you let go of controlling certain aspects of your relationships or career? Take a moment in your quiet space and time and answer these questions truthfully. I’m sure your answers will shed some light on what you really fear. Spend more time focusing on the areas where you DO have control.  Remember earlier we discussed those areas, your health, attitude, your mental and emotional well-being?  What would your life look like if you devoted more time to your health, mental, and emotional well-being, instead of spending more time TRYING to control other people’s behaviors an