Dr Amer Siddiq On Mental Health




Stigma prevents people to come forward.Mental health stigma is stronger than physical health problemsMy thought:have knowledge of your illnesscome forward to seek helpspeak to someone e.g. Befriendershaving more exposure of mental issues will also reduce stigmaWHO denoted a healthy person has good:mental healthsocial healthphysical healthWe hope to make mental health stigma is reduced to the same level of physical health###Check out my videos on FB.We are on Raku!  Thank you for hosting our podcast. www.raku.myFind me on twitter @DrAmerSiddiqPsy or #medtweetmy @medtweetmyhq or on FaceBook at DrAmerSiddiqPsych.  Looking forward to reading your comments and tweets!Also MyMentalHealth on Youtube - focusing more on Malay content