Cybercast Oregon

Cybercast Oregon S01E05 - Life in the Cloud



It's not surprising that folks spend a solid chunk of attention making sure their virtual reputations are untarnished. And there is no shortage of ways, tools, platforms and methods to try to highlight positive content and minimize the negative. But the same technology that connects us to the world creates access points back to us. And not everything following our virtual footprints is friendly. In fact, there's an increasingly sophisticated threat landscape developing and knocking against our defenses. You may have surmised as much from the constant cycle of headlines warning against system weaknesses, data breaches and information theft. Yet as is the case with many crisis scenarios, it's hard to prepare for vague eventualities. And so company after company is left scrambling for solutions and resolution in the wake of cyber attacks. So what can businesses do to stay safe and alert in this age of reputation-damaging cyber security threats- and what can be done if those defensive measures fail? Great que