Cybercast Oregon

Cybercast Oregon 02: The Privacy Paradox



You may feel a twinge of guilt as you mindlessly hit “Agree” to yet another endless stretch of legal garble known as “Terms of Service” – hoping you’re not signing away anything too important. And besides, researchers estimate it would take 76 hours a year to read all the user agreements we’re offered. But whether you’re downloading a fresh app or activating a new device, odds are you’ve just agreed to be surveilled in some way. It’s a gamble in a game nearly every technology user agrees to play. So – aside from opting out entirely – what can we do? Great question – and we have answers! Listen to the full episode to learn more. __________________________________________________ Cybercast Oregon is a podcast about the ins-and-out of technology security, explored through personal stories, how-to guides, and expert advice. Airs 3rd Fridays on