Diamond Factory

2018 - 4-23 Jessica Dietrich - Marsh



OurSimpleTraining.com Monday Night Call: Dr. Jessica Dietrich-Marsh, YL Platinum Do you feel like you have they key to help so many people better their lives but getting stuck in getting the message out? Presentations and purpose aligned become a breeze to enroll new people into the Young Living lifestyle. Some people get dealt a tough hand and you can be the someone who opens the door to a new life by introducing Young Living. That is what happened to Dr. Jessica Deitrich-Marsh, a friend offered a simple solution to assist with restful sleep – the results were profoundly positive. Now a YL Platinum, Dr. Jessica shares the message of Young Living and health to as many people as he can to EMPOWER families to care for their own wellness. Tonight you’ll learn: Getting back to business basics to get MASSIVE results Using the 4 personality types to create great communication and team relationships How “discovering who you are” is the journey from Starter Kit to leadership Writing LOVE LETTERS to your emoti