New Thinking New Power With Dr. Paula

Episode 20 - Pruning to Spring Forth



Episode 20 "Pruning to Spring" is the 3rd part of the SPRING FORTH - DO SOMETHING NEW series.   Just as it is healthy to prune shrubs and trees so that they may grow, we also need to prune areas in our lives so that we can make way for new ideas and fuller growth. In this episode, I offer you 3 rules of pruning and how you can apply these rules to your life.  Rule #1 - You should prune to improve your appearance and overall landscaping. Do you have anything or anyone who’s a part of the landscape of your life that ‘s hindering your growth in any way? What about undesirable structures that take away from the appearance. Are you ready to take a step in pruning that person or area? Rule #2 - The timing of when you prune is EXTREMELY important. There are times when it seems like absolutely no growth is going on in our lives. This is actually the perfect time to take a look at your surroundings and your inner circle to determine who and what needs to be cut off.  Rule #3  You must use the right tools for pruning.