Cellar Door Skeptics

#25: Trumping Your Citizen's Rights



#25: Trumping Your Citizen's Rights With the Alabama Governor raising the wages of his staff, while denying minimum wage increases, the Chris Duo checks in to bring to light another hypocritical conservative scheme. They will also reconnect with their friends from Prophetcast Podcast to discuss their new show This Atheist Life along with Donald Trump's abortion and torture stances as comedic gold. Segment ------ 00:00 Alabama Governor Steals Wages 20:16 Introduction to This Atheist Life 47:29 Steve's Deconversion/Alex Jones/Donald Trump on Torture and Abortion Episode: http://www.spreaker.com/user/cellardoorskeptics/trumping-your-rights Subscribe: http://www.spreaker.com/user/cellardoorskeptics Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CellarDoorSkeptics RSS Feed: https://www.spreaker.com/user/8326690/episodes/feed iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/cellar-door-skeptics/id1044088575?mt=2&ign-mpt=uo%3D4 Website: http://cellardoorskeptics.com Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/cellar-door-skept