Cellar Door Skeptics

#7: Do Sad Andriods Dream of Hell



This week on Cellar Door Skeptics Chris and Christopher conducted a series of interviews in search of what scares us, what motivates us, what we can do to help others, and how to accept who and what we really are. We talked to Jeremiah Beene about the Psychology of Hell, Eray Ozkural about Artificial Intelligence, and Amy Bleul from Project Semicolon about Suicide awareness. Segments 00:00:34 Charity Segment 00:24:02 Project Semicolon 00:45:40 Artificial Intelligence 01:15:30 Dr Jeremiah Beene (Hell Discussion) 02:01:15 Ending Rant Episode: http://www.spreaker.com/user/cellardoorskeptics/7-do-sad-andriods-dream-of-hell Subscribe: http://www.spreaker.com/user/cellardoorskeptics Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CellarDoorSkeptics RSS Feed: https://www.spreaker.com/user/8326690/episodes/feed iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/cellar-door-skeptics/id1044088575?mt=2&ign-mpt=uo%3D4 Links ------ https://ssl.charityweb.net/ewbusa/yearend/ http://godlessmom.com/9-secular-organizations-give-holiday-se