Task Force X

Episode 35: A Knight In the Tropics and The Squad on Trial!



Back to a regular episode (for now), Episode 35 of Task Force X. First up we look at Checkmate 13, where Harry Stein goes to a Caribbean resort for a vacation with his kids... Nothing bad can happen there, can it? Then at thiry minutes in, we turn our heads towards Suicide Squad 24, where Amanda, and in turn the Squad are on trial. And where, may you ask is our beloved team? They're still on their resuce mission in Africa. Join us to see how this all shakes out.... Podcasts played this episode: Comics With Normies Head Speaks It All Comes Back To Superman Feel free to e-mail us at taskforcex@headspeaks.com with your thoughts. Visit us on the web at http://taskforcex.headspeaks.com