Fermented Reality Beercast

Fermented Reality Beercast E2 - Live from Bootleggers Brewing E2



Tonight Victor and Miguel are on the road. Live from Bootleggers Brewing and Bootleggers Brew Shop in Brandon Florida. Tonight the lads talk to head brewer Dianna Zemo about her award winning Chicago TypeWriter Porter, and Bootlegger's beer week events. Next they talk to Jenn Glencer President and Operator of the Florida chapter of Barley's Angels. She talks of the 6 country brewing club, supporting amazing women in brewing. We share some Miguel's old commercials he wrote and Laugh with Joel The Enabler. Then we finisg with Tampa Beer Lawyer, and Local Legend, Eric Hanson Esq. In regards to brand confusion cases in the beer world focusing on the Stone Brewing VS Miller Coors company over the Keystone beer brand. All of this and more on this weeks episode!Cheers,Victor and Miguel