Novenas - Totus2us

Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus –Day 6- St John Paul II quotes- Totus2us



Day 6, Novena to the Sacred Heart. St John Paul II: "Is this heart "desire" of the world? Looking at the world as it visibly surrounds us, we must observe with Saint John that it is subject to the concupiscence of the flesh, to the concupiscence of the eyes and to pride of life and this "world" seems to be far from the desire of Jesus' heart. It does not share his desires. It remains a stranger and, at times, even hostile towards him. This is the "world", of which the Council says that it is "placed under the slavery of sin" (Gaudium et Spes, 2). And it says this in accordance with the entire revelation, with Holy Scripture and with Tradition (and even, let us say, with our human experience). Simultaneously, however, the same "world" has been called into existence through the love of the Creator and through this love it is constantly maintained in existence. It is about the world as the whole of visible and invisible creatures, and in particular "the entire human family in the context of all those realities w