Tao Of Tech

Tao of Tech Ep. 6 - Facebook Privacy



This episode of the Tao of Tech is all about how to lock down your privacy settings in Facebook. After you listen to this episode, your Facebook account will be secure from the prying eyes of 3rd party web sites, Facebook's "instant connections" feature will be disabled, your friends will no longer be passing your information to applications and websites without your knowledge, and you will learn how to make "friend lists" to further your Facebook privacy. Check out this short video from the Electronic Frontier Foundation (www.eff.org) to help you with disabling the Facebook instant connections feature: http://tinyurl.com/34ootok After you update your Facebook privacy settings, head over to http://www.reclaimprivacy.org/ and run their handy Facebook privacy evaluation tool. This will let you know if your revised privacy changes need to be fine tuned some more, or if your information is as private as it can be on Facebook. Don't forget to stay tuned after the show to listen to the promo for Jeremy Robinson