Will Chou

How To Overcome Shyness and Social Anxiety While Still Being Your Natural Self



Imagine finding yourself in the only social event you will go to for the day, ready to talk to people. You’ve prepared yourself for the moment. You know you’re deathly shy and scared of talking to new people. But if you don’t take action in this one moment, you will regret it. There won’t be many more chances to make new friends or meet a hot date. But despite your preparations, you freeze up when it’s time. You find yourself doing anything except talking to other people. Then, the event is over. You are kicking yourself in your head and you dwell on the fact that you did nothing for the next hour … or even the entire week. I’ve been there. I’ve had crippling shyness. It sucks. It still sucks. But you are not alone. There are hordes of perfectly kind, mentally healthy people who are just too shy to do meet others. To this day, I still run into people (even successful, attractive young women) who struggle with these issues and fail to reach their potential.