Diamond Factory

2018 - 7-30 Monday Webinar! 3 Step Map Deconstructed For Duplication [Audio]



OurSimpleTraining.com MONDAY NIGHT WEBINAR: 3 Step Map: Deconstructed for Duplication​​​​​​​ Your new member asks you, “How do you do this business?”. Your palms start to sweat, your stomach drops, and in desperation you blurt out, “Just share!”. In your heart you know this Young Living business is more than “JUST SHARE”, but you’re unsure where to direct your new member. Building this business is simple, when it’s kept simple. You may have heard of the 3 Step Map: Connect >> Send >> Start. Hard to believe, it’s a simple system that is set up for rapid duplication within your team. Tonight, Tom Challan is going to cover IN DEPTH what each step (Connect, Send, Start) means and how to start using it TOMORROW to build your team! What you’ll learn: The simplest ways to “connect” with people you know so it seems natural (not forced or creepy) How to “connect” with strangers to encourage follow up communication De-confusing the SEND step! Where to send? What to send? How to send? By golly WHAT IS SEND?!??!