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DISCOVER THE END OF DIETING: HOW TO EAT FOR LIFE! Dr. Joel Furhman | As On Dr. Oz | Fitness | Health | Nutrition | Self-Help



If you find yourself confused by diets, yo-yo-up and down with your weight, or even confused by the conflicts amongst the guests we bring on the show…sorry folks! Then do we have the show for you! Today we’ll be talking with an anti-diet expert. His name is Dr. Joel Fuhrman, and he’s one of Americans leading nutrition experts, he’s appeared on Dr. Oz and even has his own PBS television shows, and if you’ve ever shopped at Whole Foods, he’s the inventor of the ANDI score. He’s also the NY Time best-selling author of Eat to Live, and has a beautiful new book out, The End to Dieting,. And that’s just what I want to talk with Joel about…Atkins, Low Carb, High Fat, Ketone, Vegan, Paleo, Wheat Belly, and the list goes on and on. And yet, we’re getting fatter, or at the very least, NOT getting healthier. So I want to talk to him about getting some clarity, and figuring out what in the world is going on and what we do to get things back on track. And I want to talk with him about making it easy…All-too-often, we here