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HOW TO REINVENT YOURSELF! Barbara Bradley Hagerty | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Self-Help | Inspire



If you’ve ever wanted a second chance at life, to be on fire, in passion, excited about what you’re doing, or at least turn your life in a new direction, then do we have the Life Reimagined show for you! Today I’ll be talking with Barbara Bradley Hagerty, award winning journalist, 20 year correspondent for NPR, and the new York Times bestelling author of Fingerprints of God and a book I found dumbfoundingly inspirational, and motivational, Life Reimagined. It’s a book I’ll be recommending to my friends, family, parents, and yes, even my wife Jessica. So today we’ll talk about a life Reimagined, about shifting your life, whether you’re middle-age, golden age, or even just getting started from version 1.0 to 2.0 or in my case 3.0 and above! That plus we’ll talk about Stampede the Pokey white poney, fareed zakaria, GPS, hookups, rain and RV’s, and what quantum mechanics and the Heisenberg uncertainty principle has to do with mom, the bunny hop criterium, who has social security #111-11-1111 and what the hee-hee,