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HOW TO THINK & GROW RICH! Mitch Horowitz| Napoleon Hill | Inspiration | Spirituality | Success | Career | Self-Help | Inspire



If you’ve wanted more money, a better job, or had a special dream and wished you knew how to get there, then do we have the Think and Grow Rich show for you!  Today I’ll be talking with Mitch Horowitz, PEN award-winning author extraordinaire, vice-president and executive editor at Tarcher Perigee and editor of the latest edition of my all-time favorite book, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. Today We’ll talk about achieving your dreams, turning your life around, getting the wealth, health, and happiness you desire, and how to literally think and grow Rich. That plus we’ll look at the power of sex, the six ghosts of fear, famous alibis and old man If, Worryitis and Fearitis, an invisible counsel or historic proportions, stopping three feet short of gold, an enchanted kettle, and what no serpent no apples, and no apples no state, has to do with anything! Self-Help and Self-Improvement Topics Include: How Inspire Nation Got to 1 Million Downloads How did Mitch start to read Think and Grow Rich Why you’ll be