Diamond Factory

2018 - 08 - 21 Brittin Prior YL Diamond



Are people pre-disposed to quitting because of the mindset in which they had when they started their Young Living business? Historical evidence says YES. Mindset is everything! Keeping your head in the right space can be challenging, especially when that negative Nelly voice in our head creeps in to drag us down. Tonight YL Diamond Brittin Prior is on the call! She has discovered it’s not as simple as stating what you think you want, you have to FEEL what you want. This creates attraction into your life and THINGS HAPPEN. Does this keep you from getting stuck and it’s easy sailing to the top? Nope! You can get stuck at any rank, even in the Diamond Ranks! What you’ll learn: 1. Facebook groups: should you do them or use your upline’s? 2. When you have classes with no shows, what that means 3. One telltale mindset that makes or breaks success to the leadership ranks 4. Brittin’s favorite resources to keep you head in the game and not wandering off with the fairies 5. The secret to being a lighthouse beacon so