New Thinking New Power With Dr. Paula

Back to School: Part 1 - Getting Your School Supplies



This is the 1st of a  4-part series called BACK TO SCHOOL.  In this series, I discuss the various strategies you need to be successful in life's classroom.   Let me give you your list of school supplies to pick up so you can be successful in this classroom of life. Have you ever heard of the old saying the 3 R’s of learning? Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic?  These are the areas on which we are going to get our school supplies. 1st Principle: READING There are so many benefits from reading!  And if you really want the life that you desire? You’re gonna have to do what it takes to LEARN about the life you desire.  So READ!!!! Even if it’s a page a day, you owe it to your overall wellbeing, and your overall success if you would READ! 2nd Principle: WRITING Study after study shows you will remember things better when you write them down. Studies show that  that you become 42% more likely to achieve your goals and dreams, simply by writing them down on a regular basis. 3rd Principle: ARITHMETIC With achieving you