Refuse Defeat With Megan

#006 Pitch Yourself — Knowing Your Audience



Whether you are pitching for a potentially life changing event, like Joshua was for TEDx, preparing for an interview, or pitching your services to a potential client you should know about your audience. Event Pitch: Choose the event you wish to be apart of. Do your research on HOW TO APPLY. Most of the time, you can Google the event and someone has written an article on their experience or you may even find the perfect how-to apply guide. Do your research on the actual event type. After this interview I did some research on TEDx talks in my area. I found it extremely easy to find information once I started looking for it. (I even applied for one! The one I applied for had a theme, and I’m not sure if I am actually a good fit - but I will let them make the decision.) *Make sure to know if there is a due date for submissions! Now, the lesson Joshua mentioned is knowing the audience. If you do enough digging, you can find the information on the people in charge of the event. I am not sure if you