Bill Crockett Ministries

What is Spiritual Discipline?



1 Timothy 4-8 tells us that -physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things.- verse 7 says, -train yourself to be godly.- In this series we will explore and learn how to train ourselves to be godly. In Philippians 1-20 Paul said he wanted Christ to be exalted in his -body.- In 1 Corinthians 6-20 Paul tells us to honor God with our -body.- In 1 Corinthians 9-27 Paul says he had to -beat his body- -discipline- in order to win the race. In this series we are going to learn about the -Equipment- the -Exercises- and the -Areas of our Life- to focus on so that we can finish the race of life as winners in Christ. This is -Body Building God's Way.- This lesson helps us define what Spiritual Discipline is.