Ask Noah Show

Episode 82: Should We Care About Libre?



Should We Care About Libre? | Ask Noah Show 82 We talk about Linux and Open Source, but is it far enough? Do we need to go all the way and push for everyone to use Libre freedom respecting software? We invite Kenny Schmidt, a 17 year old who is starting out with Linux and ask that question. We talk about a $100 device that will monitor your Internet, the EFFs stance to protect the individual’s ability to call out security problems as they find them. -- The Cliff Notes -- For links to the articles and material referenced in this week's episode check out this week's page from o our podcast dashboard! This Episode's Podcast Dashboard ( Phone Systems for Ask Noah provided by Voxtelesys ( -- Stay In Touch -- Find all the resources for this show on the Ask Noah Dashboard Ask Noah Dashboard ( Need more help than a radio show can offer? Altispeed provides commercial IT services and they’re excited to offer you a great deal