Coach Corey Wayne

She Wants Me To Chase Her



Why women say they want a man to chase them, blow off the guys that actually do chase them, but end up dating, falling in love with and being in relationships with men who do the opposite of what they think and say they want. In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss two different emails from two different viewers. The first email is from a viewer who has been involved with a woman in an on again, off again type of relationship. She dumped him during the holidays stating that she wanted to turn the chapter and make a fresh start. Three weeks later, she texted him and they hung out, had fun and hooked up. The second date he initiated, but her attitude was cold and distant. She told him that she wanted him to chase her. When he complied with what she said that she wanted, she blew him off. When he lets her come to him, she wants to see him and things are pretty effortless. The second email is from a viewer from Taiwan, who originally found my work after the end of his six-year relationship. He said he did n