Coach Corey Wayne

I Brought Back My Alpha



How to bring back your inner alpha so you can accomplish your grandest goals and dreams and attract the highest quality women. In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an email success story from a viewer who shares how he met and successfully attracted the alpha female he is currently dating. Like most people, he found my work after things went sideways with his last girlfriend and he wanted to get her back. He read my book twenty-three times in the span of about 2-3 months after trying unsuccessfully to cherry pick info from my YouTube videos, and get his ex back. Even though he is a 6’-4” bodybuilder and all state athlete, he was not acting like a man around women. He shares what he changed after implementing my work and how well things are going now with his sports model girlfriend who other men drool over. It’s another great success story of the heights your personal and professional life can climb to, if you live what my books teach.