Truth International

My People



T Talent. R Radical. U Unique. T Tactical. H Holistic. International.Talent: All talent is God-given, we aim to use it for Gods glory and to edify the church. We believe there's no talent which has no purpose and by engaging in missional work exposed to different people and environment, one discovers his or her mission in life and uses that talent to magnify God.Radical: The Gospel work set forth by Christ was neither ordinary or common. It was robust, fresh, enlightening, liberating and inclusive. A follower of Christ cannot be content with mediocre approach to the Gospel work; while maintaining the foundation of keeping the message basic and clear, we aim to do it in an extraordinary manner. Unique: In a world of 7 billion people, no one shares the same identical DNA or fingerprints as you. You are a unique individual, created to make a difference. We minister through social media, urban settings, technology and all aspects. We promote our members and partners to be themselves, this translates to consistency. You cannot run out of ideas when, what you do, comes from you and is a mirror of your personality. Tactical: Identify, Observe, Influence and Empower. Holistic:Intellect, Physical, Social and Spiritual.Philosophy: In a world filled with a variation of truths of human existence, we believe in one truth which informs all other truths; Jesus Christ. Through Him, we are able to find meaning to life, purpose and direction. And this is the truth we aim to share with the world.