Dr Amer Siddiq On Mental Health

Porn Addiction



A form of behavioural addiction (most well known is gambling)Hypersexual disorderIf you are viewing more than 4 hours a day and starting to feel guilt or shameIf you are having orgasm more than 7 times a week as results to viewing pornMen have a higher risk of this addiction.You might have an addiction if:tried to stop but unable to do so (dyscontrol)lot of time spent viewing (asocial)compulsive viewing (even when you are not enjoying it)withdrawal symptoms if not able to watchviewing more specialty material Struggling with porn addiction:going out lesstaking risk to watchwatching in public space Affects:spoilt relationshipsunable to get an erection Biology:a link with dopaminechanges in part of braindevelopment in less active part of brainSometimes linked with depression and anxiety We are now on Spotify!