Bruce Lee Podcast

#134 Don't Think, Feel



“Don’t think, FEEL.” This line comes from a scene in Enter the Dragon where Bruce Lee is instructing a student. He tells the student to throw a kick, the student kicks, and Bruce says, “What was that? What is this an Exhibition? You need emotional content.” The student kicks again and Bruce says, “I said emotional content not anger! Try again, but this time with me. Don’t think FEEL.” When Bruce Lee says, “Don’t think,” he means, “Get out of your head.” When he says, “FEEL,” he means really feel into the situation and sense what is happening here. When you are kicking you are kicking a person who is present, you are not trying to perform the perfect kick. That is what Bruce was saying when instructing the student to, “Don’t think, FEEL.” Often we are not fully present because we are instead trying to categorize, calculate, and think of the next five steps, or the situation is uncomfortable so we mentally checkout. When you “Don’t think, FEEL,” you are turning your body into a sensing organism. What you are fe