Diamond Factory

2019 - 02 - 12 Inviting People To 3rd Party Events Tom And Jen



OurSimpleTraining.com MONDAY NIGHT CALL/ WEBINAR How 3rd Party & Corporate Events Help You Explode Your Team's Growth & Getting them to Show Up! Feeling discouraged because nobody you invite shows up to Rally’s, Convention, or 3rd party events? For some reason they always have a time conflict or “cannot afford it”. You know if they would only show up and hear the speakers it would help the success of their business. You want everyone to love this business and company as much as you and your heart breaks when the seats next to you aren't filled by your team members. Leveraging events other than ones you put n yourself is a fantastic way to create momentum in your team. New members see hundreds or thousands of other distributors and listen to speakers that give them A-HA moments on questions they’ve been asking themselves for years. This Monday, coach Tom Challan will give you the tips and tricks of inviting and getting people to show up even when they have 100 excuses why they can’t. Tom and hi