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Simple yet profound mindset shifts for female entrepreneurs to start closing six figure contracts with Nafissa Shireen



Nafissa Shireen is an entrepreneur, speaker and income growth expert specializing in helping women grow their businesses to multiple six figures and beyond. She’s also the host of Living Forward TV, an online show designed to educate entrepreneurs on how to make big leaps in their income quickly. Passionate about releasing subconscious blocks, Nafissa helps women entrepreneurs uncover their limiting beliefs around self worth and abundance so that they can make more money and build a business and life they love. Having left a lucrative, high six figure job, Nafissa’s went from corporate executive to becoming the secret weapon of many highly accomplished women entrepreneurs. She specializes in working with agile, creative and growth minded business owners who want to soar. Her inspiring track record includes helping clients enroll six figure clients of their own, building a team of nine, hitting their first Million dollars and more. Nafissa strives to help her clients balance both the practical, tactical ho