Neil Corcoran (tantric Dex)

Nocturnal 100



Updated (14 October 15:40 GMT) Bit of a milestone, as it's the 100th episode, I guess I should probably share a few thoughts, with you the listener. Dance music was my first love, the first type of music that I took seriously. Prior to that I would have been your typical kid who listened to pop music. We lived in a house where someone always had music on, be it the radio in the kitchen that my mother was listening to or emanating from all the rooms simultaneously upstairs. That all changed in 1988 during what was dubbed "The Second Summer of Love". There was a real air of optimism about. Life was changing and the music we were gravitating towards was reflecting this. It all felt new and exciting as a bona fide revolution in youth culture was taking place. It was rebellious and as a pre-pubescent I wanted a part of the action. The Cul-de-sac we lived in formed a natural congregation point for the kids in my neighbourhood and someone always had a stereo on as we played in "the square" as it was referred to. I