Diamond Factory

2019 - 3-11 Positive Thinking + ???? = Abundance with Money Mindset Expert Daryl Hill



OurSimpleTraining.com MONDAY NIGHT CALL Positive Thinking + _________ = Abundance w/ Money Mindset Expert Daryl Hill Having a hard time staying in the ‘positive zone’ with your business? You’ve been told to stay positive and think abundantly to manifest an upranking business, but the trick is how to do that when faced with daily challenges. No shows, people quitting, and order snafus can tank a good mindset in 3 seconds flat. This Monday former Marine and money mindset expert Daryl Hill will help you understand why positive thoughts alone don't get you to your Young Living goals. There will be a point in your business you’ll hit a wall that no matter what you do, your team won’t grow. This plateau can happen at any rank, whether you are a new member or been around 20 years. Daryl is going to explain why the plateau happens and even take you through a meditation on the call! Meet Daryl HERE https://darylhill.com/home/my-journey/#bio What you’ll learn: How seemingly insignificant even