Diamond Factory

2019-03-5 Secrets to Successful Expos & Vendor Events with YL Diamond Yvonne Litza



Spent money on vendor events and didn’t even get one prospect’s contact info? Presenting your wares and spending a weekend behind a table to have nothing to show for it but a weary set of feet can be discouraging. Vendor and expos events used to be different, it was easy to leave with dozens of names to follow up with and a bunch of enrollments. Over time it has become harder and harder to enroll people, but if you know how things have changed your events will be successful! This Monday Yvonne Litza, YL Diamond is going to give you the 411 on the current state of expos. Yvonne has done some of the largest events in the country and is current on what is working – how fantastic she is going to share these tips with you! What you’ll learn: 1. Both layout 101: what attracts people and makes them feel welcome VS. what you may unknowingly be doing to repel people. 2. To have product on hand or not? This is the #1 question distributors have when doing events. 3. Secrets to getting people TO STOP at the booth vs.